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Your Weather information for Neustift

Alpine Adventures

Get ready for
the ultimate mountain experience!
In summer and winter.

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16.05.2024 // 10°C/50°F


16.05.2024 // 17°C/63°F

Day after tomorrow

17.05.2024 // 16°C/61°F


18.05.2024 // 18°C/64°F


The weather conditions are barely changing at the moment; humid air masses are dominating our weather. We will therefore see a mix of sunny spells, thick cloud and occasional showers. The wind will be weak at all altitudes and temperatures will be around the seasonal average.


During the following days, we will see heavy clouds and a few spells of sunshine and there might be even occasional rainfall

Stubaier Gletscher Eisgrat

Elfer Neustift

Schlick2000 Fulpmes/Telfes


For all ski touring lovers...

...we recommend the website of the Lawinenwarndienst Tirol - the avalanche warning service of Tyrol.
Find information about the current avalanche situation as well as weather and snow forecasts here!

Hurra die Gams!
Enquire Here
 for your
 Alpine Holiday

Hurra die Gams


and welcome to Stubaierhof Neustift. We are not available in person at the moment as we are enjoying our seasonal break out in the mountains & busy with building our outdoor pool!

However, feel free to email us or send a message via WhatsApp at any time, and we will surely get back to you as soon as possible.


We will be pleased to be there for you in person again from June 13th. Hurra die Gams! and see you soon!


PS: Did you know that you can book directly online on our homepage at the best rates?